Terms & Conditions

1. Prices for workshops

Prices mentioned in brochures, leaflets, price lists and the internet are not binding. Prices mentioned on proposals are sales prices valid within the given term of validity of the proposals. Prices mentioned on the invoices are final sales prices. The same rules apply for prices published for public workshops.

2. Copyrights for educational materials and the manuals of Leuvion

2.1. LEUVION® sells/uses different educational materials such as books, manuals, videos and software as a support for its workshops, training, coaching and seminars. Customers may use these materials within the company for their own personnel. Customers are strictly prohibited to copy (i.e. as a personal copy), sell, hire or allow use with or by others of these purchased materials. Every infringement on this copyright results – apart from the rules and laws applicable on copyright – in the termination of the contract. Leuvion will rightfully inform the authors to allow them to apply their rights on copyright.

2.2. LEUVION® also produces its own educational materials (including practical cases, examples etc.) for use during seminars and consulting. Unless Leuvion gave a different consent in writing, the same rules as those that are mentioned under article 2.1 apply for these educational materials. If the customer should not respect these conditions, Leuvion is entitled to rightfully claim a refund as damages equal to 10 times the invoice value of the services (minimum is one day trainer’s fee per infringement) during which the materials were delivered unless Leuvion can prove a greater loss to its revenue.

3. Payment

The invoiced amount is to be paid no later than two weeks prior to the first performance (either consulting, coaching, a seminar, a workshop or training). Only for educational materials such as books, videos and/or software invoiced separately on request, may payments within 30 days of invoice date be accepted. In case of non-payment on the due date, will the customer be liable by law to pay an interest of 1,5% per month on the amount still due, starting on the day following the above described deadlines. Apart from default interests and any legal expenses, lump damage compensation will be charged equal to 15% of the amount due, with a minimum of € 100,00 to cover administrative costs. This amount does not in any way affect any other rights or damage compensation in favor of the salesperson.

4. Court competency

In case of recovery or dispute, only the courts of the district of Antwerp, Belgium are competent.

5. Cancellations

5.1. When cancellations occur more than one month prior to the starting date, 15% of the agreed fee will be charged as a compensation for the preliminary activities. For cancellations occurring within a month prior to the starting date, 50% of the agreed fee will be charged. However, full 100% of the fee will be charged for cancellations occurring within two weeks of the starting date. Any cancellation expenses for conference locations will be invoiced completely to the client. The same regulation applies to orders of educational materials.

5.2. Only cancellations by registered mail are valid without written confirmation by Leuvion. Any other cancellations (by letter, fax or e-mail) are only valid when confirmed by return letter, fax or e-mail by Leuvion.

With the shop @ #TLL2024 - Roger's Party Event. Shop will open again 9 September 2024